
延迟加载是一种优化技术,它会延迟内容的下载和渲染,直到它们在屏幕上可见,延迟加载本质上是延迟图像的加载,直到用户向下滚动页面(图像进入访客视线),延迟加载是提高 WordPress 页面速度的好方法。延迟加载是一种在我们滚动过去之前防止图像加载的方法。所幸的是自从Wordpress 5.5以后,其内置了延迟加载功能。但它没有感官上的体验。本文教程是增强了内置的延迟加载功能,在感官上给用户动画延迟加载图像。下面是代码分享。

注意:WordPress 5.5及以后的版本默认通过向所有图像添加loading="lazy" 属性引入了原生延迟加载。因此,您不再需要创建自己的。

在WordPress中,我们可以通过filter并用正则表达式替换src 或 srcset

add_filter( 'the_content', 'my_lazyload_content_images' );
add_filter( 'widget_text', 'my_lazyload_content_images' );
add_filter( 'wp_get_attachment_image_attributes', 'my_lazyload_attachments', 10, 2 );

// Replace the image attributes in Post/Page Content
function my_lazyload_content_images( $content ) {
  $content = preg_replace( '/(<img.+)(src)/Ui', '$1data-$2', $content );
  $content = preg_replace( '/(<img.+)(srcset)/Ui', '$1data-$2', $content );
  return $content;

// Replace the image attributes in Post Listing, Related Posts, etc.
function my_lazyload_attachments( $atts, $attachment ) {
  $atts['data-src'] = $atts['src'];
  unset( $atts['src'] );
  if( isset( $atts['srcset'] ) ) {
    $atts['data-srcset'] = $atts['srcset'];
    unset( $atts['srcset'] );

  return $atts;

当图像到达您的视口时,它应该将data-src 替换为 src,这样图像将开始加载。

( function() { 'use strict';
  let images = document.querySelectorAll('img[data-src]');
  document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', onReady);
  function onReady() {
    // Show above-the-fold images first

    // scroll listener
    window.addEventListener( 'scroll', showImagesOnView, false );
  // Show the image if reached on viewport
  function showImagesOnView( e ) {
    for( let i of images ) {
      if( i.getAttribute('src') ) { continue; } // SKIP if already displayed
      // Compare the position of image and scroll
      let bounding = i.getBoundingClientRect();
      let isOnView = bounding.top >= 0 &&
      bounding.left >= 0 &&
      bounding.bottom <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) &&
      bounding.right <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth);
      if( isOnView ) {
        i.setAttribute( 'src', i.dataset.src );
        if( i.getAttribute('data-srcset') ) {
          i.setAttribute( 'srcset', i.dataset.srcset );
img[data-src] {
  opacity: 0;
  transition: opacity .25s ease-in-out;
  will-change: opacity;

img[data-src][src] {
  opacity: 1;


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【AD】美国洛杉矶/香港/日本VPS推荐,回程电信CN2 GIA线路,延迟低、稳定性高、免费备份_搬瓦工